Freebies Blogskins Template Purple Berries
Assalamualaikum readers ! Sihat ? Dah makan ? Dah mandi ? Ok,harap harap dah -,- Freebies lagi ! Nak tak ? Nak tak ? Template ni baru je buat tadi . Ala,kejap sajee ;P Oklah wanna see the template preview ?
Nice haaa ? Wanna download ?
Thanks for the download ! And , don't remove the credit section kayy ? Kboii (Y)
Freebies Blogskins Template Purple Berries
Assalamualaikum readers ! Sihat ? Dah makan ? Dah mandi ? Ok,harap harap dah -,- Freebies lagi ! Nak tak ? Nak tak ? Template ni baru je buat tadi . Ala,kejap sajee ;P Oklah wanna see the template preview ?
Nice haaa ? Wanna download ?
Thanks for the download ! And , don't remove the credit section kayy ? Kboii (Y)
the owner biography goes here

Know me more.

The name given was Adrianna Balqis Bt Azam. Nickname, Ad.

Born on 24th Nov 2000 and I'm 13.

Studies at SMK Sultanah Bahiyah, Alor Star.

I'm staying hostel -..-

Family, friends, bestie and Jemahh's heart ♡

Loves to sleep and eat like a boss.

I want to be a photography one day. In Sha Allah :)

Facts about me.

Likes to disturbing my sister ((Maryam Hasnizan))

Maryam is so cute, crazy and i love her veli muchh <3

My fave song are from Coboy Jr. group Justin Bieber and Austin Mahone :*

Obsessed with purple so much xD

Addicated to Justin Bieber.

I'm still single and not available maybe? Hahaha.

Other me at.

You may add me at
Facebook |
Twitter |
I'm not to active on facebook. 24/7 on twitter. And no time for blogskins, cause I just forgot my blogskins password. Hahahaha.

My heartbeat.

Husband, Justin Bieber.

Sister, Maryam Hasnizan.
About this sites.
Current site name; Born To Die.
Best view in; Google Chrome and 1366 X 671.
Site opened since: 2010.
All edited by: The owner (Adrianna Balqis)
Holla, assalamualaikum. Blog ni ditubuhkan oleh tuan dia sendiri, iaitu pada November, 2010 (tak ingat tarikh bila) hahaha. Dah 4 tahun guna blog ni. Yang paling active pun dalam tahun 2011 kot. Masa tu Ad ni gila blogging. Hehehe. Sekarang dah kurang. Sebab duduk hostel. So, payah sikit nak update blog ni. Sorry (:
Nak guna tutorials atau freebies Ad? Silakan. Dulu ja rajin nak buat tutorials & bagi freebies. Sekarang dah malass >< Nanti kalau dah ambil freebies tu, jgn lupa kreditkan okay? Kalau dak, siap lah. Malam ni ada orang mai teman tido sebelah satgi. Hahaha jkjk. So, no printscreent, no riping and no copying without my permission pls. Thank you. Backstabbers and haters? Back off bij. Get your own life. Okay that's all. Bye.
xoxo, Adrianna Balqis.